

Flat No. 204, 2nd Floor, Cyber Residency,
Inidra Nagar, Gachibowli,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India-500032

Invoice Number AKEYI-67
Invoice Date 25/08/2021
Due Date 14/09/2021
Total Due ₹14,880.00
Mail Transcripts/Rajesh
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 User Payment by using University

- University Validation from Database
- User Details form validations
- Transcripts To form filling and details stored into database
- Proceed Payment with multiple options like, Card Payments, Net banking UPI etc.,
- Payment Gateway configurations
- Payment status confirmation functionality etc.,

- After successful payment - Files upload option will be enabled for the particular user by using unique identification number
- Individual Folder will be created for storing the files by using PHP and
- will add required features for smoother process etc.,

1 Admin Dashboard with Multiple features

- Admin user creation with Login Page validation by using admin user
- Admin Dashboard with profile settings
- Users List display
- Edit User profile (If required)
- Manage user profile functionality with edit and Delete users from the lists etc.,
- Payments list with Statuses
- Transaction status update with different statuses accordingly
- Monthly transactions report with stats etc.,

1 New Lead Discount

- Within 1 Month without bugs it will be done

Sub Total ₹16,000.00
GST (18%) ₹2,880.00
Discount -₹4,000.00
Total Due ₹14,880.00

Pay Invoice amount via one of the options mentioned in the below

1. Click here for Online Payment through Razorpay - Debit/Credit Card/UPI etc.,

2. Gpay (or) Phonepe Number: 6300440316