This Quote has expired.



Flat No. 204, 2nd Floor, Cyber Residency,
Inidra Nagar, Gachibowli,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India-500032

Quote Number AKEYQ-48
Quote Date 09/02/2023
Valid Until 11/03/2023
Total ₹66,700.00
DRK Chowdary


Contact Number: +91 99635 94567

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Charges for Website Development using Woocommerce

Reference Website: - Features will be followed as per the reference

Features Required as Per our requirement:
- User Management {Shop Manager Profile, User Profile}
- Products Management
- Category management
- Coupons Management
- Display the Items with actions
- Add to Cart
- View Cart
- Check Out with required fields validations etc.,
- Proceed with Particular payment gateway
- Category Wise Items Display
- Stock Management and much more

1 Payment Gateway Integration

- Payment Gateway configurations, - Transactions management, - Payment status management etc.,

Sub Total ₹65,000.00
GST (18%) ₹11,700.00
Discount -₹10,000.00
Total ₹66,700.00

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