This Quote has expired.



Flat No. 204, 2nd Floor, Cyber Residency,
Inidra Nagar, Gachibowli,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India-500032

Quote Number AKEYQ-20
Quote Date 15/04/2021
Valid Until 15/05/2021
Total ₹101,200.00
Minhaj Sohail

Time Estimation for Phase 1 Development is 60Days (2 Months)

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 PHP Core Application custom design

PHP Core Application custom design by using CMS tool-wordpress as per telephone conversation

1 Member module

- Member profile management
- Update Passwords
- Member able to upload documents etc.,

1 Content management for users (to upload and download documents by clients)

To upload and download documents by clients as a first time download free and after that it will be charged accordingly

1 Payment option for downloading document (basic payment system where one price for download will be applied)

Payment option for downloading document (basic payment system where one price for download will be applied)
- Payment gateway integration and functionality work as per our requirement

1 Admin panel to manage application, add users, role, initial setup.

- Admin panel to manage entire application
2. Users list and add users
3. Edit User profile
4. remove user if required
5. User Role, initial setup
6. Document management etc.,

Sub Total ₹90,000.00
GST (18%) ₹16,200.00
Discount -₹5,000.00
Total ₹101,200.00

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